4NCL Online Round 3 – A Good Evening for Wessex Teams

4ncl competition

Overall it was a good set of results for the Wessex Some Stars teams in round 3 of the 3rd 4NCL Online season.

The B, C, D, and F teams all won, the G team drew, whilst only the A and E teams lost.

In the A team suffered a couple of short losses with the black pieces and went down.

The B team stood at 1.5 all with Bill McDougall last to finish.   He had QB+5 vs QR+2 which was presumably won but looked like it could be fiddly when his opponent allowed a mate in 2 that Bill duly pounced on.  By way of catharsis I give my loss from that match at the end of the report.

For the C team the three victors seemed to make light work of their games.   Martin Clancy’s opponent played the Stafford Gambit, but Martin took the pawn, hung onto it, and never looked to be in any real trouble.

The D team match ended with a curious incident.  Last to finish was Gillian Moore who was a pawn up but in a dead drawn position when her opponent resigned.   However, it did not affect the match result because a draw was all that was needed for the D team victory.

The E team lost a match that on paper it looked like they might win.  Graham Hillman can count himself unlucky to find himself up against someone playing very accurate chess for nearly the whole game.

Tenacity was the order of the day in the F team, where all three victories came from games that were lost for long periods.   Well scrapped!

The G team was well matched on paper with its opposition, so a tied match seems like a fair result.

Peter Anderson 24/2/21


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