Webmaster and League Controller Reports for B&DCL AGM
(19 June ’19)
Some 185 players took part in league matches, an encouraging 10% up on the season before. The divisions were very competitive, especially relegation from B&D 1 and promotion from B&D 2. B&D 3 was incredibly close with 5 teams in with a chance of being champions right up to the last round. New Milton B return to B&D 3 after winning B&D 4 by 5 league points. B&D 5 was just 6 fixtures, but went to the last round and Southbourne’s E team won a 2nd league title for their club this season
So very well done to the 5 teams who won their divisions: –
B&D 1 Wimborne A
B&D 2 Ringwood A
B&D 3 Southbourne C
B&D 4 New Milton B
B&D 5 Southbourne E
LMS has successfully taken over from the website as the source of all match results, league tables etc. Captains, especially with their on-the-spot knowledge, have enthusiastically taken on the new, extended reporting role.
We need to discuss what we want the Dorset website to do in the future. E.g. is its current format ok?
Actions or next steps | ||
1. | Captains continue to be excellent in submitting results quickly on LMS and adding comments, thus creating both immediacy and interest. | |
2. | Thanks to Niki for keeping the website running well at minimal cost to B&D |
3. |
Some feedback that now too difficult to access captain & secretary contact details on the website. Entirely agree. LMS contact details added through “Team Captains”, but full access is only to “owners”. |
Re website, will work on this and improve pre-season. On LMS keen all Captains should be “owners” if possible. Please can owners adjust own contact details such as phone numbers as necessary, as neither Phil or Mike permitted to do this |
4. | Role of website has now reduced to primarily trying to promote chess in Dorset, reporting events such as Congresses and publishing news reports |
Need feedback on future role of website. A useful future step would be for LMS to have some simple “Reporting Section”, e.g. postponements. Thus, would be further stage in LMS being primary source for all match information |
Actions or next steps | ||
1. | All divisions have been competitive and exciting. General sense playing standards are rising – e.g. B&D 2 | Issue copy of current league tables at meeting |
2. | Bacchus seems to have been a success in offering match opportunities for players new to league chess and especially juniors. Highcliffe finished top and well done to all teams |
Each team small award, but felt a league champion not entirely appropriate, or consistent with aims. Decide if Bacchus continues. Aim to extend to west Dorset in time. Sometimes a discussion in advance between captains may be useful to try and ensure teams are as equal strength as possible |
3. | Time Increments seem to have worked well in B&D 1 and seemingly without problems. Worth noting that with Time Increments all moves should be recorded please | Propose to continue choice for B&D 3 to 5 subject to feedback, but suggest we consider making Time Increments the default in B&D 2. If agreed, this would, of course, need a rule change. |
4. | Fixture planning. Will continue to prepare draft fixtures in the summer and consult |
Please could club secretaries again give me some indication by end July on plans for 2019/20, even if these need to change in September
5. | Q & F games. We still have provision in our rules for “Full” games with possible adjournments. But not aware this option is used and therefore should it be withdrawn as a rule option? | To vote on whether a rule change should be implemented at this AGM. |
6. | Future League Controller and Dorset Website work and my own situation | 31 May ‘20 |
Mike Jay
19 June ‘19