County League Info 2016/17 – Orphan page but may contain useful info

Here is the clubs’ copy of the Dorset County Fixture List as at 28 Oct ’16




League Structure 2016/17

Div 1 (4)

Dorchester A

Dorchester B

Weymouth A

Wimborne A


Div 2 (6)


Dorchester C


Purbeck A

Weymouth B

Wimborne B


Div 3 (4)

Dorchester D

Purbeck B


Wimborne C


Dorset Chess League Team Captains – 2016/17

   Division 1
Dorchester A: Geoff Searing (01305 782371) email: [email protected]

Dorchester B: Dave Hardie (01305 267046) (mob. 0791 9815863) email: [email protected]

Weymouth A: Allan Pleasants (07967 350553 or 01305 771129) email: [email protected]
Wimborne A: Mark Littleton (01747 851445) email: [email protected]
Division 2
Bridport A: Malcolm Steevens (01305 781225 or mobile 07767 200268) email:[email protected]

Dorchester C: David Aldwinckle (01305262138 / 07977175263) email: [email protected]

Wimborne B: Colin Wilson (home 01202 840829) email: [email protected]
Poole : Ciprian Stanciu (0793 8922679 e-mail – [email protected] or [email protected]
Purbeck A: Steve Peirson (01929 552504) email: [email protected]
Weymouth B: John Kelly (01305 832876) email: [email protected]
Division 3
Dorchester D: Bill Woodhouse (01305 814950) email: [email protected];
Purbeck B: Derek Mount (07774 248319) email: [email protected] & deputy captain Jeremy Beling (01929 555167) email: [email protected]


Southbourne:  John Harris (01202 427523) e-mail: [email protected]

Wimborne C: Colin Wilson (home 01202 840829) email: [email protected]



For 2016/17 the club night is Tuesday evenings, but still at the Bridport Conservative Club, North Street

Also, for 2016/17 the club will only enter Div 2 County and not Div 3

And from 7 Nov ’16 Terje Lundin, Tel 07769 958305 took over as Secretary


Venue: Mortons House Hotel, Corfe Castle, Tel : 01929 480988.

Monday evenings.  Matches start latest 7.30 pm.


New venue and club evening for season 2017/18.

Venue: Merley Community Centre, Harrier Drive, Merley, Wimborne BH21 1XE. Telephone at Centre: 01202 841 330. It is approached via a drive just after Merley First School and playing field, but the drive is clearly marked. There is parking for about 30 cars

Club evening now a Wednesday and not a Tuesday.