Congratulations to the A Team who won their first match in Division 1, courtesy of a win by Gavin Lock on top board. I give that game with light notes at the end of this report.
The B team was again up against weaker opposition and again won, albeit not without some worry along the way. It stood at 2-1 with Rolandas Lukosius last to finish. The game was very fiddly with each side having two active rooks, a knight and a strong advanced passed pawn. It looked pretty bad for Rolandas for a while, but he found his way through the complications better than his opponent to successfully wrap up the match.
The C team drew which was a fair result, whilst the D Team was unfortunate to be up against a very strong side (tougher than the B and C teams faced) and went down.
The E team won. Jamie Doyle’s game was notable for starting 1.e4 d6 2.Nf3 Bg4 3.Ke2? Presumably this was a finger slip rather than Jamie trying to improve on Fred’s opening! To his credit, Jamie maintained his composure, eventually got his pieces organised, and went on to win, sealing the match for the team.

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