6th Dorset Blitz Rules and Conditions of Entry
Blitz Rules and Conditions of Entry
FIDE Rules and Rating of Games
FIDE Rules for Blitz games apply unless overridden by the rules below.
In any dispute the controller’s decision is final.
Games will not be ECF rated.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry without explanation.
Refund Policy
Any entrant who withdraws by 29th September 2024 will be entitled to a full refund. Any entrant who withdraws after that date may be granted a partial refund at the discretion of the organisers.
No byes may be claimed for any round except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the organisers.
Prize money will be paid in cash at the end of the tournament.
The rating prize bands will be decided by the organisers once the entrants are known.
They will be published before the event commences.
Anyone who is aged 65 or over on 1st September 2024 is eligible for a Veterans prize.
Anyone who is under the age of 18 on 31st August 2024 is eligible for a Junior prize.
In the event of ties, players will share prizes.
If a low number of entries are received the organisers reserve the right to reduce the number or value of the prizes.
Treatment of prizes:
Where a player would otherwise be eligible for more than one prize outright (i.e. not shared), they will be awarded the higher of the two prizes and the lower prize will be allocated to the next best eligible performer.
Where a player would otherwise be eligible for more than one prize where at least one of those prizes is shared with another player, the organisers may either adopt the approach described in B) above or, if more appropriate, pool the relevant prizes and split them as fairly as possible between the players. The organisers’ decision on the allocation of prizes in these circumstances shall be final.