2016 Dorset Open

51st Dorset Open Chess Congress - Bournemouth (2-4 Dec '16)

Dorset Chess Open Michael Duggan

Above photo kindly provided by Brendan O’Gorman. Many more Congress photos from Brendan through this link to photos he has uploaded to the SmugMug website

51st Dorset Open Chess Congress 

The tournament was held at a new venue the Ocean View Hotel. This was a great success with all agreeing that was a great venue for this chess tournament. There were 101 entrants.

The Open was won by a new visitor to Bournemouth Gabor Horvath from Hungary. In equal 2nd were Martin Simons and Oscar Garcia with Martin winning the Dorset Championship trophy on tie break.

There were terrific performances from juniors in Major and Intermediate with Leif Hafstad and Oliver Stubbs jointly winning their respective tournaments and Benjamin Headlong coming 3rd.

In the Major Leif came equal first with Richard George with Yasser Tello in equal third with Benjamin. Subject to confirmation Len Laker will win the Dorset Trophy on tie break from 4 others on 2.5 points.

In the Intermediate Dave Agostinelli and Patrick Sartain were equal first with Oliver. William Curry won the grading prize. Paul Jackson won the Dorset Intermediate trophy with 3 points.

The Minor section was won by Colin Gardiner on 4 points. There was a 6 way tie for second including 88 year old James Wallman who wins the Dorset Minor Trophy ( what a terrific achievement ).

I would like to thank Geoff Gammon for his controlling of tournaments and dealing with a few last minute changes in a couple of rounds.

I would also like to thank John and Christine Constable for suppling the bookstall and chess equipment.

Finally thanks to Mike Jay for putting all information on the website before, during and after the tournament.

I will confirm venue (hopefully the same ) and dates as soon as possible.

Ian Clark

6 December 2016


Prize Winners


1st  G. Horvath  4.0

2nd  M. Simons &. O. Garcia  3.5

Under 180   W. Adaway, D. Butcher, I. Deswarte, T. Headlong  2.5


MAJOR (Under 160)

1st  R. George, L. Hafstad  4.0

3rd  Y. Tello  3.5

Grading  (Under 147) B. Headlong  (Also = 3rd) 3.5



1st  D. Agostinelli, P. Sartain, O. Stubbs  4.0

Grading  (Under 127) W. Curry 3.5


MINOR (Under 115)

1st  C. Gardiner 4.0

2nd  D. Cole, C. Hunt, M. Maber 3.5

Grading  (Under 104)  & equal 2nd  J. Carr, M. Davidson, J. Wallman 3.5

GRADING (Under 97) D. Creasey 3.0


Dorset Open Winner 2016

Winner of the Dorset Open was Gabor Horvath, originally from Hungary but now living in Bournemouth. Pictured above left with Congress Organiser Ian Clark. Gabor had 3 wins and 2 draws to finish on 4 points. Equal 2nd were Oscar Garcia and Martin Simons with 3.5/5. Martin retained the Dorset Championship on the sum of progressive scores

Martin Simons Dorset Champion

Martin Simons remains Dorset Champion

Oscar Garcia Dorset Open runner up

Oscar Garcia shared 2nd place

Oliver shared 1st Dorset Intermediate Chess 041216

Oliver Stubbs, 14, had an outstanding Congress

playing in the Intermediate. Graded 118, he

finished joint 1st with a grading performance

of 166.

Open Cross Table (pl click on table to enlarge)


Major Cross Table (pl click to enlarge)


Intermediate Cross Table (Pl click to enlarge)


Minor Cross Table (Pl click to enlarge)



Play at Dorset chess Open 3.12.16