Martin Simons Christmas FUN Chess Problems and now the Solutions!
As Martin promised, here are the solutions to the 3 problems (uploaded 1 Jan 18):-
Christmas FUN Chess Problems – Solutions
Problem 1
1.Rh3 b3 (only move) 2.Rh1 gxh1 (promotion to any piece – again the only move) 3.Qxh1 mate.
Problem 2
1.Rf4 Kxg3 (If 1… Kxh1 then 2.Kf2 Kh2 3.Rh4 mate.) 2.0-0 Kh3 3.R1f3 mate.
Problem 3
1… Bf3 2.Rxf3 (If 2.gxf3 then 2… Qe2 threatening mate on h2 and by taking the rook on f1. If 2.Qxf3 Qxf3 3.Rxf3 Rxd8 and Black is two pieces up) 2… Qe1ch 3.Rf1 Qxf1 mate.