The 2023/24 B&DCL season is complete. Listed below are the team and individual winners. The trophies will be presented to them at the AGM on Tuesday 11th June.
Team Winners
Division 1 – Poole A
Division 2 – Highcliffe B
Division 3 – Wimborne C
Division 4 – Poole D
Division 5 – Highcliffe D
Individual Trophy Winners for most points scored in each division
Division 1 (Brien Urry Cup) – 1st = Bruce Jenks (Highcliffe A) & Nick Lee (Poole A) 7½/9. Bruce won the cup on the tiebreak rules.
Division 2 (Boardman Trophy) – 1st Dennis Stokes-Carter (Bournemouth A) 6½/10, 2nd = Rob Halse (Highcliffe B) & Thomas Trach (Highcliffe B) 6/8
Division 3 (Boardman Trophy) – 1st = Nathaniel Cleland (Wimborne C) & Steve Pollyn (Wimborne C) 8/9. Nathaniel won the trophy on the tiebreak rules.
Division 4 (Boardman Trophy) – 1st Hugo Melling (Ringwood C) 7/9, 2nd Simon Errington (Bournemouth D) 6/8
Division 5 (Boardman Trophy) – 1st Tim Joyce (Poole E) 7½/8, 2nd Dan Ursell (Highcliffe D) 6½/9