52nd Dorset Open
It was a very successful congress with 110 entrants, including the strongest ever Open Section.
Ian Clark, Congress Organiser, has written a report “52nd Dorset Open” – sub menu item here or top menu, extreme left.
List of entrants, results, cross tables and pairings from the congress are available through this link (pl click) : http://www.chess-results.com/tnr303143.aspx?lan=1&art=0&wi=821
Brendan O’Gorman has again taken photos of the Congress and they are available through this link: https://brendanogorman.smugmug.com/Chess/Bournemouth-2017/n-Ss63qW
Report from Ian, Congress Organiser to follow
The 52nd Dorset Chess Congress is to be held at the Elstead Hotel in Bournemouth from 13th to 15th October 2017. The congress was originally going to be held at the Ocean View Hotel, but due to being advised at the last minute that this hotel was closing in September, we have managed to go back to the hotel we successfully used in 2014.
The Elstead is a very good hotel and we have managed to have an extra room for the tournament, which will give plenty of space for players. There are less available single rooms and these are all in double or twin rooms, so the price reflects this, but due to the last minute change we cannot avoid this and there are plenty of hotels and B & B ‘s nearby.
The parking is better at the Elstead with there being no restrictions in the road outside from 6.00 pm Friday throughout the weekend.
List of entrants, results and pairings during the Open will appear through this link (pl click) : http://www.chess-results.com/tnr303143.aspx?lan=1&art=0&wi=821
Ian Clark, Tournament Organiser 7 June ’17
There are the usual 4 sections:- Open, Major (under 160), Intermediate (under 135) & Minor (under 115).
All tournaments are 5 round Swiss with about 4 hour playing sessions. Each round is 90 minutes play for all moves, with 30 second increments for each move.
Play starts at 19.00 on the Friday and concludes at 19.00 on the Sunday. Rounds 2 & 4 will start at 10.00 and rounds 3 & 5 at 15.00.
Entry fee in the Open is £33 for Silver ECF members or above – and £30 for ECF members or above in the other sections. Junior Silver Members or above £24 in all sections. Bronze ECF members and non ECF members £7.50 extra. Juniors who are bronze ECF members or non ECF members £5 extra. Entries received after 29 September will incur an extra £5 fee.
There will be trophies for best performance by Dorset players in each section.
The top prize in the Open is £300 and £150 in the other sections
The hotel is in walking distance from Bournemouth railway station.
For more information, including rooms at the Elstead and further details on the Conditions of Entry, please click on the Entry Form link here:
If you are interested in my report, results and photos from the 2016 Dorset Open please click on this link: https://www.dorsetchess.co.ukcongresses/dorset-open-congress/
An on-online entry form is immediately below.
Ian Clark, Tournament Organiser 7 June ’17