Bournemouth & District Chess League         Captains’ Notes                             

 2017/18 (updated 25 May ’18: but pre the June ’18 AGM)

Please note these are informal notes to help interpret the rules etc, but are not the rules themselves. Some of the points below are now in the B&DCL rules themselves (like the 2 minute rule). From season 2018/19 these notes will be reduced significantly and will essentially confirm what is sent out to Secretaries at the very beginning of the season.

Topics covered: –



  1. MATCH RESULT CARDS Match team sheets (cards) listing players expected to play are to be exchanged before the start. Teams should be arranged in “playing strength order” but please also note the 10 grading point rule that influences playing order and initial allocation of players to teams (see 13 & 14 below).
  2. NOTIFYING RESULTS When the results have been entered the completed team sheets are to be signed by both Captains. The controller will accept and does prefer results emailed or sent by text from both captains. If this is not possible, result cards should be sent to the Controller.  (Controller’s email address: [email protected] and home address at foot of these notes)
  3. DECLARE DEFAULTS Please make sure all defaults are clearly marked on the cards crossing out original player.
  4. SHOW PLAYER INITIALS Please give initials of players in order to aid Grading Officer with identification.
  5. MARK GRADES Please mark grades on cards where known and use “L” if any are estimated.
  6. QUICK & FULL GAMES Captains should be familiar with the current edition of the League Rules with special attention to the different types of game time control that can be chosen: -the Quick Game (Q) or the Full Game (F)

F Game Please ensure that dates for adjourned games are agreed within one week of the date the game was played and the adjourned game is played within 31 days. Note that the sealed move must be clear, legal and unambiguous. The player not making the sealed move should be asked to look after it. As written in the laws of chess, the game is lost by a player whose recording of his or her sealed move:

is ambiguous

is recorded such that its true significance is impossible to establish, or

is illegal.

The use of algebraic notation for sealed moves is strongly recommended. If a sealed move is lost the player holding the sealed move defaults the game, unless he or she can show the controller there are exceptional circumstances for the loss. Controller’s decision is final on this matter

The controller is to be notified of the dates and result (via the team captains) as soon as possible.

Rate of play is 36 moves in 90 minutes (first time control), then 24 moves in each subsequent 60 minutes (2nd and subsequent time controls). This type of game may be adjourned with all sessions being for a minimum of 3 hours each (i.e. First session, the adjournment session and any subsequent sessions)

Q game This type of game cannot be adjourned and is the default if the 2 players cannot agree on Q or F. Players need to be aware of the rules for this type of game, if selected by them. At 5 minutes remaining on your clock, game recording may be stopped. If your opponent is making no progress, or if agreement cannot be reached then the game should be referred to the Controller, see point 13 below. At 2 minutes or later, clock may be stopped and a draw claimed if he/she lacks means to enforce mate

Quick Play Finish

Rate of play is 35 moves in 75 minutes (time control). On completing 35 moves the clocks are then set back 15 minutes and the game is played to a finish under Quick Play Rules, based on FIDE Laws of Chess, supported by ECF. See also guidance on ECF and SCCU websites.

Before the start of the game and before scorecards are exchanged, players must state their preference for which type of game they wish to play, by marking F or Q next to their names. IMPORTANT RULE CHANGE: In the event of a difference a Q game will be played. If a player is substituted after the cards have been exchanged, he or she is bound to the type of game already marked on the card. The player’s name should be annotated as a substitute on the card.

  1. MATCH POSTPONEMENT The Captain of any team wishing to postpone a match must first seek the approval of the Controller and a minimum of 5 days’ notice must be given. This permission will only be given if there is a very good reason and both teams are in agreement. This does not include a particular player being unavailable and there are reserves on hand. In any case a postponed match must be played within 28 days of the original fixture date. Clubs are asked to postpone matches as a last resort please.
  2.  ESTIMATED GRADES Clubs are requested to take special care when deciding on estimated grades for new ungraded players. Good practice includes arranging for several games in the club against varying strengths of opponent before determining the estimated grade. You might even work out a rough grade based on this. If your new member has played chess in a previous club, please do consider whether this might be relevant. E.g. a phone call to a club secretary could be very helpful. Also, if a new player has played for a club before, but doesn’t have a current grade, it may be possible to find some grade history in the ECF database by including ungraded players in the search. If you are still unsure and need advice, please contact the Controller. Clubs are asked to kindly agree all estimated grades with the Controller in advance.
  3. NO SMOKING All venues are non-smoking of course
  4. STARTING TIMES Prompt starts are expected at all venues. Bournemouth matches start at 7.15. Other clubs normally start matches at 7.30. Clocks will be started at this time unless another time is agreed. Some clubs are contracted to leave their premises by a certain time, so may be worth checking this before play starts, if unsure.
  5. THE RESERVE PLACES MODEL A player listed in a lower division, who plays as a reserve in a higher division will use 1 reserve place each time this occurs. A team playing 10 league games in entitled to 10 Reserve Places for the season, 12 league games then 12 Reserve Places and so on. Teams cannot exceed their allocation of Reserve Places at any stage of the season. But if they re-allocate a Reserve to the higher team for the rest of the season, then all previous Reserve Places used by that player are “refunded”. There is no limit on the number of times any player can play in a higher team, providing the Reserve Places maximum for that team has not been exceeded. (This is now referred to in the B&DCL Rules themselves)
  6. ALLOCATING PLAYERS TO TEAMS Players are allocated on the basis of the 10-point rule – e.g. as an example, it would not be acceptable to have a 140 grade player in a team when there is someone of grade 151 playing in a lower team.
  7. TEAM ORDERS But after that, when matches take place, there is no stipulation, or interpretation that players have to play in strict grade order. But the rules do require teams to be arranged in “playing strength order”, which would normally mean grade order. There can be some flexibility on this to reflect known local circumstances, but the 10-point rule does apply – in other words you should not be playing above someone in the team who is graded more than 10 points higher than you. There can be extenuating circumstances, such as when a sub comes in for someone who doesn’t turn up and both captains agree. Please note though, if there is no agreement by both captains then the 10 point rule does still apply (This is now referred to in the B&DCL Rules themselves).
  8. NUMBER OF DIVISIONS There are now 5 divisions with each team consisting of 4 players.
  9. AWARENESS OF BASIC RULES No independent arbiter is normally present, of course, during team or individual matches. This places responsibility on both individuals and captains to be aware of the basic rules, and to act in a reasonable and sportsman-like manner when faced with any unusual circumstances that may arise, particularly those involving a possible infringement of the rules. Club Captains are asked to be aware of the “2 minute rule”, (now in the B&DCL rules) that allows a player to claim a draw if his or her opponent cannot win by reasonable play, or he or she is making no effort to win. Also Captains need to be mindful about illegal moves, e.g. taking position back and awarding 2 minutes to the opponent). Match Captains should be aware of the basic FIDE rules.
  10. DISPUTE RESOLUTION in cases of disputes, in the first instance the captains of the respective teams are requested to jointly fulfil the role of arbiter. In the event that captains are unavailable then the players must attempt to resolve the dispute. If a dispute cannot be resolved on the match night, the clocks should be stopped, clock times and position on the board recorded, and these details, along with a written submission as appropriate by both parties, should be sent to the Controller through the Match Captains within 72 hours. Please see the latest B&DCL Rules (June 2017) (This is now referred to in the B&DCL Rules themselves)
  11. MOBILE PHONES Attention is drawn to the FIDE Laws of Chess, article 12.3b. Without the permission of the arbiter a player is forbidden to have a mobile phone or other electronic means of communication in the playing venue, unless they are completely switched off. If any such device produces a sound, the player shall lose the game. The opponent shall win. However, if the opponent cannot win the game by any series of legal moves, his score shall be a draw. If a player is required to have their mobile phone turned on during play (e.g. for work or health reasons), that player must advise both team captains of this, as well as his opponent prior to commencement of the game. The mobile phone is then considered to be switched on with the permission of the arbiter  (This is now referred to in the B&DCL Rules themselves)
  12. SOUTHBOURNE TEA-BREAK It is customary that at Southbourne Chess Club, matches be suspended for a short tea-break about halfway through the playing session
  13. RECORDING MOVES Players must record their moves. If a player has less than five minutes left on his or her clock at some stage in a period, then for the remainder of the period he or she is not obliged to meet the recording requirements (adapted from FIDE rules)

The League Controller is: Mike Jay, 37 Davids Lane, Ringwood, Hants BH24 2AW. Tel: 01425 461756 email: [email protected]. Mobile is 0755 145 6414

Finally, good luck and enjoy your games!

25 May ’18