Team Winners
We have already provided a summary of the winning teams in the DCL and B&DCL but by way of quick recap they were:
Outstanding Individual Performances
Here we look at some of the best individual performances in each division, in terms of number of points scored and best % scores over 5 or more games. In the B&DCL there are formal awards for the most points scored in each division and we note those on the way through too.
B&DCL Division 1
Top points scorer and winner of the Brien Urry Cup is Jamie Doyle of Southbourne with 7.5/9
At 83%, Jamie also has the highest % score of anyone in Division 1 regardless of the number of games played.
B&DCL Division 2
Top points scorer and winner of the Div 2 Boardman Trophy is David Fuller of Poole with 6.5/9.
The highest % score of anyone who played 5 games or more was an outstanding 100% (5/5) by Bill Adaway of Wimborne. Richie Smith of Poole notched up 5.5/7 for 79%, also a noteworthy performance.
B&DCL Division 3
Two players scored 7 points in the Division: Richard Ursell (pictured) of Highcliffe with 7/9 and Tim Jones of New Milton with 7/10. Richard picks up the Boardman Trophy for Div 3 because he had the better % score.
Top % scorer amongst these who played 5 games or more was Adam Jaggard of Poole with a very impressive 5.5/6 giving 92%.
B&DCL Division 4
The top scorer and winner of the Boardman Trophy for Division 4 was Andrew Alderton of Bournemouth with 5/8.
A Bournemouth player also had the best % score of anyone who played 5 games or more: Femi Oloyede scored 4/5 for 80%.
Bacchus League
Taking part rather than winning really is considered the most important thing in the Bacchus League. Nonetheless, it is natural to recognise good performances.
The top scorers were Finn Schell (pictured) of Southbourne Seagulls with 6.5/8 and Zander Booth of Poole Bishops with 6.5/9.
Both Anton Vann of Southbourne Seagulls and Robert Powell of Highcliffe Castles scored 100% with 5/5 and had the best % scores of anyone who played 5 games or more.
DCL Division 1
The top scorers were Allan Pleasants of Wimborne with 5.5/7 and Bruce Jenks of Highcliffe with 5.5/8.
To add to his B&DCL Div 2 achievement, Bill Adaway was the top % scorer in this division amongst those who played 5 games or more, with 5/6 giving 83%. He obviously had a really good season!
DCL Division 2
In this division the joint top scorers were also the best % scorers over 5 games or more, as they both got 5/5 for 100% !
Congratulations go to the Steve Peirson (pictured) of Purbeck and Dennis Stokes-Carter of Bournemouth for this achievement.
DCL Division 3
The same 100% achievement took first place in this division too, with Stuart Mallon of Wimborne notching up 6/6 for top score and top %. Well played Stuart!