The wicked Black Witches have been up to mischief again…

they have been CHEATING at chess…

can you undo their fiendish tricks?

Hints and Answers at the end.

Good luck!

1. The Black Witch did not like losing at chess so she magically turned all the pieces green!

Can you colour the pieces black and white to create a legal position?

What was the last move played?

2. The Black Witch has been at it again. Can you see how she has cheated this time?

And can you undo her cheating and see how the White Witch can mate in one move?

There is more than one possible answer!

3. The White Witch was just about to deliver mate in one.

So the Black Witch magically made an extra move for White, spoiling the mate.

Can you take back the extra move for White and deliver mate in one?

4. The same two witches were playing again, and the Black Witch cheated in the same way.

As if by magic they arrived at the same position moved one rank up the board.

Can you take back the extra move for White and deliver mate in one to the naughty Black Witch?

(This one is rather tricky!)

5. Perhaps the White Witch was using hypnosis because when the Black Witch cheated in the same way yet again they arrived here…

the same position moved one more rank up.

Can you take back the extra move for White and deliver mate in one to the Black Witch?

6. Are you feeling sorry for the Black Witch yet?

She was losing once more and yet again made an extra move for White and arrived here.

For the last time, can you take back the extra move for White and deliver mate in one to the poor Black Witch?


Click here for the Answers

Scroll down carefully for well spaced out hints.

Q1. Hint

There is only one black piece. The trick is to work out the last move.

Q2. Hint

There are nine possible answers which are different but very similar!

Q3. Hint

It is a discovered mate.

Q4. Hint

There are captures involved. Read this hint carefully!

Q5. Hint

There is a capture involved.

Q6. Hint

There is no blocking involved in this one!

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