Dorset Juniors win 8-0 in online junior 4NCL

4ncl competition

Dorset Juniors start Online Junior 4NCL campaign with comprehensive 8-0 win

Dorset Juniors played their first match in the Online Junior 4NCL competition on the evening of Thursday 2nd February and notched up a comprehensive 8-0 win against the Chess Challengers.

Everyone was very eager to play, and one match had even completed before the official start time of 6pm!

Zander Booth, Joshua Richard, Florence Spirling and Jackson Vann all played very well and were successful in both their white and black games.  Some of the play was fast and furious. Time control is 10 minutes plus 5 second increments so quick and accurate thinking was required. There were two dominant games from Zander, whilst some of the other games had close moments. But our team persevered, stayed calm and found the winning moves to close them out.

Well done, Dorset Juniors!

All new teams must start in Division 4 in their first season so, as it’s Dorset Juniors’ first season, the level of our opponents across the season will be varied with some games easier and some much tougher. Although we heavily outrated the Chess Challengers team, many of the opposition team were better than their ratings suggest and put up a good fight.

The Dorset Juniors squad currently comprises 7 players so players will be swapped in for different rounds. Sam Hooks, Ellis Fretwell and Jacob Uphill were unable to play this week but will have the opportunity next time. Matches take place every second Thursday on Lichess with the next round on 16th February.

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