Don't even attempt these until you can solve the hard puzzles most of the time!


You should definitely set these up at the board and work on them without moving the pieces. Ideally you should write your key variations down. When you really feel you can't get any further like that you can start moving the pieces to analyse.


Some of these are traditional puzzles with one clear best answer. Others are hard calculation practice where there is more than one good way of proceeding.


Don't worry if you can't solve them. Even trying to will improve your calculation if you work hard at them.

White to move.

Can you find an efficient win?


Published 9/2/20

Black to move

How far can you calculate through the maze of options?  This is a great position for calculating, calculating, calculating….

There are two first moves that are much stronger than the others.   Can you find one or both of them and a sequence of strong follow up moves?


Published 9/2/20