Junior Online 4NCL – Season 8 Semi-Final

4ncl competition

Having come second in their Division 3 group, Dorset Juniors 1 were in the semi-final for the Division 3 title.

Sadly, the semi-final was very tough as we were up against an exceptionally strong team in Rogue Rooks as their ratings show (possibly stronger than most Div 1 teams) but I was so very proud of the way everyone played.

Everyone in the team battled extremely hard and no one went down without a fight. There were many instances where I was holding my breath as our players went down to the wire on time, and sometimes I could hardly bear to watch. Congratulations to Hugo for his draw against Board 2.

So well done, and don’t be too disappointed, it has been a great team effort!

You may be interested to hear that Rogue Rooks went on to win comprehensively in the final, beating Suffolk Juniors 7-1.

I’m not sure where the result leaves us in terms of next season, and whether or not Dorset Juniors 1 qualifies for promotion. The organisers at 4NCL have told me that it will only be finalised once they know which teams are remaining in the higher divisions for next season.

Next season – Season 9

Season 9 starts on 18th January 2024.

If you want to play or know a junior who wants to play, please contact me at [email protected] as soon as possible and preferably before 31st December.

Have a brilliant Christmas and New Year holiday.

Nikki Forster 15/12/23

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