New rating categories have come into effect and replace the old A-F, X and * categories. From the ECF Ratings website…
Category A: A player who has 30 or more rated results in the previous 12 calendar months
Category H: For OTB, players who inherited a rating on 1st July 2020, but who has less than 9 rated results in the 60 calendar months prior to 1st July 2020 and has not played since; For Online a player with a rating inherited on 1st June 2021 and has no subsequent rated results. When a player with an H rating subsequently plays, their rating will convert to category K.
Category K: All ratings of players not qualifying as A or H, with full active ratings that will be updated by the K-method
Category P: All ratings of players with active ratings that will be updated by the P-method. Such ratings are published but because of limited data; player’s strength here should be assessed with wider evidence where available.
Unrated: Any K or P rating where the player has no rated result in the previous 36 calendar months, but see below. An unrated player, on return, will be treated as a new player with one dummy game assuming a draw against an opponent with the players last full rating.
These categories became effective on 1st June 2022. On 1st December 2022, any player still with an H rating will be converted to unrated (but will not become unrated before then).
You can read more about a player’s profile and history here on the ratings website..