21 May. An update appears in the last paragraph of the feature item in the column alongside. Since it was posted for information some months ago, there have been unexpectedly high levels of opinion and feedback, including at Committee of both Leagues. Essentially stronger players, specifically Div 1 of both County & B&DCL generally want to see Time Increments of preferred 1hr + 30 secs a move trialled in all matches next season in these 2 1st Divisions.
But below this, views are much more mixed, especially in B&DCL Divs 4 & 5 where many players are strongly opposed. But this opposition is not universal.
An intended option, to be put to both forthcoming AGM’s, is to trial Time Increments in all Div 1 matches next season in County Div 1 and also B&DCL Div 1. And 1hr + 30 secs.
In addition, to allow Time Increments to be trialled for time control in matches in B&DCL Div 2 to 5, and County Div 2 & 3, but only if both captains agree in advance. And of course, digital clocks need to be available in the first place, anyway. If there is no such prior agreement, then the default is to use the existing time controls of 1hr 15mins and 15 mins to finish the game. To keep things simple, it is not intended to support a mixed situation, within any one match, of a combination of digital and analogue clocks.
Finally, if Time Increments were voted in subject to the above, and on the basis of 1hr + 30 secs, it would be a condition that all moves were recorded. And the “2 minute” rule would not apply.
And a reminder that the forthcoming AGM’s are B&DCL: 12 June at Tuckton – County: 20 June at RBL Poole