Entries to the Delancey UK Chess Challenge Megafinals are now OPEN!

The Delancey UK Chess Challenge is the UK’s largest Chess competition for young UK chess players under the age of 18 years. Over 1 million children from across the UK have taken part since 1996.

The first, and optional stage, is the schools’ round, followed by the Megafinals, the Gigafinals and then the ultimately the Terafinal.

Entry to the Megafinals is open to all players, with no pre-qualification required. Players must then qualify for each subsequent stage by reaching the qualifying score.

In 2022, there are two ways to take part in a Megafinal:

  • Over the Board (OTB) in a ‘face to face’ competition hosted by one of the regional organisers.
  • Playing online. During June, there will be two online Megafinals. This option may be more attractive if there is no OTB Megafinal nearby or on a suitable date, and for those juniors who prefer to play online at home.

In 2021, Dorset juniors (Zander, Jamie, Florence, Merlin, Larissa, Max, Leo and Jack) all excelled in the Delancey UK Chess Challenge with Zander (Boys U10), Jamie (Mixed U14) and Merlin (Mixed U18) all achieving the qualifying scores in their respective Gigafinals for the Terafinal round plus Larissa (Girls U12) also qualified as one of the top 3 U12 girls whilst Florence narrowly missed out on tie break.

When, where and how much?

For the OTB Megafinals, there will be regional tournaments across the UK. To date, Harrow, Teesside, Nottingham, West Anglia have announced dates in April and May with many more due to follow. Entry to the OTB Megafinals is expected to cost between £20 and £30 (regional variations) per Megafinal.

Two online Megafinal options are offered: £15 for one entry or £30 for two plus Blitz and other tournaments. It is expected that there will be additional costs for the Gigafinals and Terafinals.

Players can enter and play in as many Megafinals as they like and both in person and online

Full details can be found here on the UK Chess Challenge Website.

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