Test Your Chess Knowledge No.50 – You are the Arbiter!
With both players short of time you notice a player forgets to press his clock yet it is also clear to you that his opponent is aware of this. What do you do?
A) Tell the player to press his clock.
B) Tell the opponent to tell the player to press his clock otherwise this could be regarded as unsporting behaviour.
C) Press the clock yourself as the move has been completed.
D) Do nothing and walk away to avoid getting involved.
E) keep a watchful eye on the game so you can step in if a flag falls.
Answer: E
FIDE Rule 6.2.1 – During the game each player, having made his move on the chessboard, shall stop his own clock and start his opponent’s clock (that is to say, he shall press his clock). This “completes” the move.
FIDE Rule 6.11.1 – If the game needs to be interrupted, the arbiter shall stop the chessclock.
In this instance the game does not need to be interrupted until a flag falls.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.49 – International Chess
Kasparov and Karpov played 144 games across 5 World Championship matches. Ignoring the 104 draws, what was the score in favour of Kasparov?
A) 21 – 19
B) 22 – 18
C) 23 – 17
D) 24 – 16
E) 25 – 15
Answer: A
1984 – The score was 5 – 3 to Karpov with 40 draws – Match abandoned due to Karpov’s mental and physical exhaustion!
1985 – The score was 5 – 3 to Kasparov with 16 draws – Kasparov wins championship for the first time.
1986 – The score was 5 – 4 to Kasparov with 15 draws – Kasparov retains the championship.
1987 – The score was 4 – 4 with 16 draws – Kasparov wins last game to retain the championship.
1990 – The score was 4 – 3 to Kasparov with 17 draws – Kasparov retains the championship.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.48 – National Chess
Who was the youngest ever winner of the British Championship?
A) Nigel Short
B) Julian Hodgson
C) David Howell
D) Jonathan Mestel
E) Mickey Adams
Answer: E
Adams was 17. Short, Howell and Mestel were either 18 or 19. Hodgson, despite being a strong junior and an IM at 20 did not win the championship until he was 28!
However, Short came very close to taking this record by a large margin. In 1979, when aged just 14, Short came joint first at the British Chess Championship in Chester with John Nunn and Robert Bellin but Bellin took the title on a tiebreak (sum of opponents’ scores).
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.47 – Local Chess
How many different clubs have won the B&DCL Division One Championship?
A) 9
B) 12
C) 15
D) 18
E) 21
Answer: C
The following clubs have all won the B&DCL Division One Championship.
Southbourne, Parkstone, Knights, Wimborne, Kinson, Bournemouth, Oakmeadians, New Milton, Poole, Boscombe Conservative Club, Christchurch, Partcastrians, Merck, Oakdale & Lymington.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.46 – Chess Laws / Trivia
Except for stalemate the main rules of the modern chess game were established in which century?
A) 14th
B) 15th
C) 16th
D) 17th
E) 18th
Answer: B
The main rules of the modern game of chess started in the 15th century when double pawn moves and en passant were established and in particular in around 1475 when, in Spain initially, the queen and bishop became more powerful.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.45 – You are the Arbiter!
In a tournament after 12 moves you notice that the White king and queen are on the wrong squares. What do you do?
A) The game should be restarted with all pieces on their original correct squares regardless of the number of moves played.
B) The game should only be restarted but only if less than 10 moves have been played, otherwise continue.
C) The pieces should be switched, it is an obvious error and has not affected play, the game should then continue.
D) Both players should be given a warning, the pieces should be switched and play should be continued.
E) Both players should be given a warning and the game restarted.
Answer: A
FIDE Rule 7.2.1 – If during a game it is found that the initial position of the pieces was incorrect, the game shall be cancelled and a new game shall be played
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.44 – International Chess
At which World Championship Match did yoghurts become a tightly controlled foodstuff after suspicion that they were being used as coded messages?
A) Spassky v Petrosian 1969
B) Fischer v Spassky 1972
C) Karpov v Korchnoi 1978
D) Karpov v Korchnoi 1981
E) Karpov v Kasparov 1984
Answer: C
Korchnoi’s team became suspicious when a coloured yoghurt was delivered to Karpov in game 2, then also in game 3. Karpov was subsequently advised he could only take predetermined beverage breaks. It was also at these World Championships, Korchnoi wore mirrored glasses, Karpov kept swivelling on his chair and Korchnoi allegedly had a Psychological Consultant in the audience to hypnotise Karpov!
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.43 – National Chess
Which English player played 1… a6 against Karpov and won!
A) Tony Miles
B) Nigel Short
C) Julian Hodgson
D) Stuart Conquest
E) Mickey Adams
Answer: A
Tony Miles used this opening (which he labelled the Birmingham Defence after his home city) to defeat Anatoly Karpov with Black at the European Team Championships in Skara.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.42 – Local Chess
Since 1985, how many times has the Bournemouth v Poole Two Towns match been tied?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4
Answer: E
The match was tied in 1991, 1992, 1999 and 2001. Bournemouth has won on 18 occasions and Poole on 13 occasions.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.41 – Chess Laws / Trivia
From the start position how many different sequences of moves are there to checkmate in 2 moves.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
E) 10
Answer: D
1. g4 e5 2.f3 Qh4#
2. g4 e5 2.f4 Qh4#
3. g4 e6 2.f3 Qh4#
4. g4 e6 2.f4 Qh4#
5. f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4#
6. f3 e6 2.g4 Qh4#
7. f4 e5 2.g4 Qh4#
8. f4 e6 2.g4 Qh4#
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.40 – You are the Arbiter!
You are a team captain in a local B&DCL match and you hear an opponent’s mobile phone has made a sound. What do you do?
A) You cannot do anything, it is for your team player to warn a player and/or claim a win.
B) Your team player can claim the game under any circumstances.
C) Your team player can claim the game but only if a win by a series of legal moves is possible and there were no mitigating circumstances agreed upon before the game.
D) The opposing player is allowed one warning, then if it happens again, subject to C above, a win is awarded.
E) In the local B&DCL, a claim for a win relating to a mobile phone making a sound is not permitted.
Answer: D
B&DCL League Club Tournament Rule No.10 – ‘If during a game a player’s mobile phone produces a sound that player shall be warned and must make the device silent. Should there be a repeat incident, the player shall lose the game and the opponent win, unless both players agree otherwise. However, if the opponent cannot win by any series of legal moves, the game will be a draw.
If a player is required to have their mobile phone turned on during a game e.g. for health or work reasons, that player must notify both captains as well as the opponent prior to the commencement of the game.’
Therefore a team captain can warn a player (hence answer A is incorrect) if a sound from a mobile phone is heard but the claim for a win must be made by the team player, only after a warning is provided and this claim can be awarded if a win can be achieved by a series of legal moves.
The FIDE Rule caters for this – ‘If it is evident that a player has such a device on their person in the playing venue, the player shall lose the game. The opponent shall win. The regulations of an event may specify a different, less severe, penalty.’
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.39 – International Chess
Which World Chess Champion has been married most times:
A) Emanuel Lasker
B) Alexander Alekhine
C) Mikhail Botvinnik
D) Boris Spassky
E) Anatoly Karpov
Answer: B
Alexander Alekhine has been married 4 times.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.38 – National Chess
Who opened with 1.f3 and 2.Kf2 at the 1999 British Chess Championships in Scarborough and won?
A) Danny Gormally
B) Simon Williams
C) Charlie Storey
D) Jack Rudd
E) Richard Pert
Answer: B
Simon Williams did it as a bet for 10 pints in the nightclub the day before! His opponent that day was Martin Simons!
Click here for the full game.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.37 – Local Chess
Who is the founder member of Purbeck Chess Club?
A) Derek Mount
B) Paul Stanley
C) Brian Beard
D) Richard Quin
E) Steve Peirson
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.36 – Chess Laws and Trivia
Who was nicknamed J’adoubavic because of a reputation for cheating by taking bad moves back with an announcement of j’adoube?
A) Milan Matulavic
B) Dragoljub Velimirovic
C) Svetozar Gligoric
D) Alexander Morozevic
E) Ljubomir Ljubojevic
Answer: A
This was Matulović’s most notorious transgression when playing against Istvan Bilek at the Sousse Interzonal in 1967. He played a losing move but then took it back after saying “j’adoube” (“I adjust” – spoken before adjusting pieces on their square). His opponent complained to the Arbiter but the move was allowed to stand. This incident earned Matulović the nickname “J’adoubovic”. This reportedly happened several times, including in a game against Bobby Fischer.
Matulović was also involved with other controversial incidents including:
• He used to play on in hopeless positions.
• He was allegedly bribed in a 1970 Interzonal match.
Read more about this delightful character on Wiki
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.35 – You are the Arbiter!
In a tournament it is noticed that two players are playing their game with the wrong colours. What do you do?
A) The number of moves are not relevant, the players must start again with the correct colours.
B) The number of moves are not relevant, the players must continue with their game.
C) If fewer than 5 moves have been played by both players, then the game must start again with the correct colours, if not the current game continue.
D) If fewer than 10 moves have been played by both players, then the game must start again with the correct colours, if not the current game continues.
E) Both players can continue their game, it will be graded but for the purposes of the tournament they are penalised with a loss of game.
Answer: D
FIDE Rule No.7.3 – ‘If a game has started with colours reversed then, if less than 10 moves have been made by both players, it shall be discontinued and a new game played with the correct colours. After 10 moves or more, the game shall continue’
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.34 – International Chess
The World Chess Championship split in 1993 when Kasparov formed the Professional Chess Association and was re-unified by Kramnik in 2006. How many FIDE work champions were there in between Kasparov and Kramnik?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
E) 7
Answer: D
Anatoly Karpov (1993 – 1999)
Alexander Khalifman (1999 – 2000)
Vishy Anand (2000 – 2002)
Rusian Ponomariov (2002 – 2004)
Rustam Kasimdzhanov (2004 – 2005)
Veselin Topalov (2005 – 2006)
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.33 – National Chess
The popular BBC Master Game ran for 8 series from 1975 to 1983 and was presented by Jeremy James but who provided the independent expert analysis in the first series?
A) Leonard Barden
B) Bill Hartston
C) Raymond Keene
D) Danny King
E) Michael Stean
Answer: A
Leonard Barden provided the independent expert analysis for the first 3 series with Bill Hartston taking over from series 4.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.32 – Local Chess
Who had to do most of the washing up at the 1st Dorset Blitz Championship in 2017 and therefore could not watch much chess?
A) Ian Clark
B) Mike Jay
C) Martin Simons
D) Nikki Forster
E) Steve Peirson
Answer: E
Unfortunately, as the main organiser and the only one not playing chess, Steve Peirson worked tirelessly to keep the kitchen clean as well as serve all the teas and coffees! By 2019, he got his priorities right and had at least 3 helpers in the kitchen. He therefore managed to watch some chess, at last!
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.31 – Chess Laws and Trivia
Which of these is NOT a chess opening or variation?
A) Orangutan
B) Giraffe Attack
C) Gerbil’s Tunnel
D) Monkey’s Bum
E) Vulture
Answer: C
The Orangutan is also known as the Polish or Sokolsky Opening and starts with 1.b4.
The Giraffe Attack is part of the Vienna Opening and begins with 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Bc5 3.Qg4
The Monkey’s Bum is a White variation against the Modern Defence 1.e4 g6 2.Bc4 Bg7 3.Qf3 forcing 3…e6 which is a move most Modern players prefer not to play.
The Vulture is an unusual line for Black as an alternative to the Benoni or Benko. It starts with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ne4!?
There will be more on these and other animal openings in forthcoming bulletins.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.30 – You are the Arbiter!
Based on the 2018 FIDE Laws of Chess as covered in its latest handbook, how many illegal moves made by a player does it take for the arbiter to declare the game lost by this player.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) A player cannot lose a game by making an illegal move, they will simply be asked to correct the move each time and the opposing player awarded two extra minutes.
Answer: B
FIDE Rule 7.5.5 – ‘For the second completed illegal move by the same player the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.’
Many tournaments, however, have their own separate rule relating to this.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.29 – International Chess
Who holds the record as the youngest ever chess Grandmaster?
A) Peter Leko
B) Fabiano Caruana
C) Magnus Carlsen
D) Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa
E) Sergey Karjakin
Sergey Karjakin became a Grandmaster at the age of 12 years and 7 months and 0 days in 2002.
Magnus Carlsen became a Grandmaster at the age of 13 years and 4 months and 27 days in 2004.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.28 – National Chess
When was the highly successful 4 Nations Chess League (4NCL) formed in the UK?
A) 1990
B) 1993
C) 1996
D) 1999
E) 2002
Answer: B
There was only one division of 6 teams competing in the 4NCL in its first 1993/94 season with, the 2nd division was formed 3 seasons later. Today, there are now 98 teams competing – a great success story! Our local team, Wessex, joined the 4NCL in 1996. (Martin Simons, who writes these quiz questions, first played for Wessex in 1997).
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.27 – Local Chess
Which past Dorset League President was killed by lightning?
A) Greville Marples
B) Frank Kingdon
C) Mr A F Thomas
D) Derek Marples
E) Joe Anderson
Answer: D
Derek Marples was killed by lightning when mountaineering in Switzerland in 1970.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.26 – Laws of Chess
Question: Based on the 2018 FIDE Laws of Chess as covered in its latest handbook which of the following statements are correct?
A) You can switch hands for different moves but not for the same move
B) You can make your move with one hand and press your clock with the other
C) You can castle with both hands providing you touch the king first
D) You can capture with both hands picking up your own piece with one hand & the opponent’s piece with the other
E) Even if the rook has moved you may still castle
Answer: A
FIDE Rule – ‘You cannot castle if the rook has moved.’
FIDE Rule 4.1 – ‘Each move must be played with one hand only.’ There is no mention that the same hand must be used for all moves.
FIDE Rule 6.2.3 – ‘A player must press his clock with the same hand with which he made his move.’
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.25 – You are the Arbiter!
A player has moved a pawn to the 8th rank, pressed the clock, but not replaced the pawn with a new piece, what should the Arbiter do?
A) Nothing until the opponent complains.
B) If the required piece was not available nearby then this is permissable as long as the player states what piece it is.
C) It’s a valid move to move the pawn to the 8th rank but the Arbiter must ask the player to replace the pawn with any piece before play continues.
D) The move is not complete, extra time may be added to the opponent’s clock but the player can replace the pawn with any piece.
E) It’s an illegal move as it was not completed. The pawn can only be replaced by a queen of the same colour.
Answer: E
FIDE Rule 7.5.2 ‘If the player has moved a pawn to the furthest distant rank, pressed the clock, but not replaced the pawn with a new piece, the move is illegal. The pawn shall be replaced by a queen of the same colour as the pawn.’
Please note that if there is no piece available then a player may stop the chess clock to seek the Arbiter’s assistance as covered in FIDE Rule 6.11.2
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.24 – International Chess
Who was the youngest ever undisputed winner of the World Chess Championship (this therefore excludes the period between 1993 and 2006 when there was a FIDE and a PCA/Braingames World Chess Champion)?
A) Mikhail Tal
B) Bobby Fischer
C) Anatoly Karpov
D) Garry Kasparov
E) Magnus Carlsen
Answer: D
Garry Kasparov became the undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at the age of 22 years, 7 months and 27 days just pipping Magnus Carlsen who became the World Chess Champion in 2013 at the age of 22 years, 11 months and 23 days.
Both Mikhail Tal and Anatoly Karpov were 24 years old, and Bobby Fischer was 29 years old when they each won the World Chess Championships in 1960, 1975 & 1972 respectively.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.23 – National Chess
Who has been the British (English) Ladies Champion most times?
A) Rowena Mary Bruce
B) Jana Hartston / Jana Miles (now Jana Bellin)
C) Sheila Jackson
D) Susan Arkell (now Susan Lalic)
E) Jovanka Houska
Answer: A
Rowena Mary Bruce has won the Ladies Championship 11 times between 1937 and 1969,
Jovanka Houska has won it 9 times (2008 – 2019),
Jana Hartston / Jana Miles 8 times (1970 – 1979),
Susan Arkell 5 times (1986 – 1998) and
Sheila Jackson 4 times (1975 – 1981).
Edith Charlotte Price has also won it 5 times (1922 – 1948), whilst Harriet Hunt (1995 – 1999) and Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant (2003 – 2007) have won it 4 times.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.22 – Local Chess
Who has been the longest serving B&DCL President?
A) Alan Dommett
B) Barry Walker
C) Reg Valentine
D) Martyn Adams
E) David Burt
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.21 – Laws of Chess
How many different ways by normal means are there to end a chess game (i.e. these do not include defaults, disqualifications, illegal moves etc) consistent with the FIDE Handbook covering the Laws of Chess?
A) 7
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10
E) 11
Answer: E
There are 3 ways to win:
1. Checkmate – FIDE Rule 5.1.1
2. Resignation – FIDE Rule 5.1.2
3. Win on time – FIDE Rule 6.8
There are 8 ways to draw:
1. Agreement (i.e. there is an offer and acceptance of a draw) – FIDE Rule 5.2.3
2. Stalemate – FIDE Rule 5.2.1
3. Three move repetition but must be claimed by the player having written the move that brings about the repetition on the scoresheet and prior to the move being played – FIDE Rules 9.2.1 &
4. Five move repetition. This does not have to be claimed by a player and can for instance be enforced by an Arbiter or match captain – FIDE Rule 9.6.1
5. Fifty move rule when there has been no pawn move or any capture but must be claimed having written the move that brings about the 50th (or more) move on the scoresheet and prior to the move being played – FIDE Rules 9.3 & 9.3.1
6. Seventy-five move rule when there has been no pawn move. This does not have to be claimed by a player and can for instance be enforced by an Arbiter or match captain – FIDE Rule 9.6.2
7. Insufficient mating material and is a ‘dead position’ – FIDE Rule 5.2.2
8. Cannot win by normal means or making no effort to win by normal means for those games without time increments. This involves Arbiter intervention – FIDE Guidelines III 6.1.1 & 6.1.2
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.20 – You are the Arbiter!
During a game you spot that the low battery warning is now showing on a digital clock. It was not showing at the start of play.
What should you do?
A) Change the batteries immediately, apologising to the players for the disturbance.
B) Wait until one player has moved and then halt the game until the batteries can be changed.
C) Stay near the board until the game is finished recording the clock times after every move.
D) Change the batteries before the next round.
E) Switch to an analogue clock as this causes least disturbance.
Answer: D
Not a FIDE Rule but the batteries should have enough life to last until the end of the game.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.19 – International Chess
What was the score of the most famous chess match ever, Fischer v Spassky World Championship match, in 1972?
A) 12½ – 9½
B) 12½ – 8½
C) 12½ – 7½
D) 12½ – 6½
E) 12½ – 5½
Answer: B.
Spassky took a 2 – 0 lead (2nd game was defaulted by Fischer) then Fischer won 5 of the next 8 with 3 draws to lead 6½ – 3½ after 10 games, a position from which Spassky never recovered.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.18 – National / International Chess
In which year did England perform best at the Chess Olympiad?
A) 1986
B) 1988
C) 1990
D) 1992
E) 1994
Answer: A.
England came 2nd at the 27th Chess Olympiad in 1986 with a team squad of Miles, Nunn, Short, Chandler, Speelman & Flear and only half a point behind the Soviet Union (including players such as Kasparov & Karpov). Short won the best board 3 prize with a score of 10 / 13. England also came 2nd in 1984 & 1988 but were not so close to the Soviet Union. It also came 3rd in 1990, a good era for England.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.17 – Local Chess
Which current local club since the 1970s has had most ‘home’ venues?
A) Weymouth
B) Poole and its previous incarnations
C) Bournemouth
D) Ringwood
E) Wimborne
Answer: E
Wimborne has played at 17 venues since it was formed in 1978, that’s one venue for every 2½ years!
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.16 – Laws of Chess
Who should be allowed to see a player’s scoresheet?
A) Only that player
B) The player and his opponent
C) The player and the player’s team captain.
D) The player and the Arbiter
E) The player, opponent and Arbiter
Answer: D
FIDE Rule 8.2 – ‘The scoresheet shall be visible to the arbiter throughout the game.
‘The Arbiter may need to see the scoresheet to ensure there is full compliance. However, the opponent is not required to see it.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.15 – You are the Arbiter!
What is the minimum increment needed with each move to ensure players must record every move?
A) 10 seconds
B) 15 seconds
C) 30 seconds
D) 1 minute
E) 2 minutes
Answer: C
FIDE Rule 8.4 – ‘If a player has less than five minutes left on his clock at some stage in a period and does not have additional time of 30 seconds or more added with each move, then for the remainder of the period he is not obliged to meet the requirements of Article 8.1.1 ‘to record his own moves’
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.14 – International Chess
Which UK player injured his back and had to play chess on his front or back in an International chess tournament in 1985?
A) Nigel Short
B) Jon Speelman
C) Tony Miles
D) Julian Hodgson
E) John Nunn
Answer: C
It’s that man again! Tony Miles had severe back pain and was allowed by doctors to play ‘lying down’ at the Tilburg Interzonal Chess event in 1985.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.13 – National Chess
Who was the first ever UK born over the board Grandmaster?
A) Raymond Keene
B) Tony Miles
C) Michael Stean
D) John Nunn
E) Bill Hartston
Answer: B
Tony Miles was the first UK born grandmaster in 1976 narrowly beating Raymond Keene to the title. This may have started the feud between him and Raymond Keene. However, he was known
by many as the ‘tormented genius’.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.12 – Local Chess
In which year was the last Chess Column published in the Bournemouth Echo?
A) 1999
B) 2002
C) 2005
D) 2008
E) 2011
Answer: E
Following the untimely death of its Editor, Neal Butterworth, who greatly supported local chess, the Bournemouth Echo chess column was given its last rites in 2011, and the last column was published on 17th December 2011 – an unwelcome early Christmas present for our local Chess Columnist, Alan Dommett, and the local league.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.11 – Laws of Chess
What is the correct process to offer a draw.
A) Make your move, press your clock, offer the draw
B) Offer the draw, make your move, press your clock
C) Make your move, offer the draw, press your clock
D) Offer the draw, press your clock, make your move
E) Press your clock, make your move, offer the draw
Answer: C
FIDE Rule – ‘A player wishing to offer a draw shall do so after having made a move on the chessboard and before pressing his clock.’
Many players seem to offer draws after pressing their clocks and in their opponent’s time which can be distracting especially if not offered immediately. Perhaps the draw offer is an afterthought.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.10 – You are the Arbiter!
A player has an extra queen in his hand and deliberately touches his pawn to queen it then realises it will be stalemate so finds a rook. The opposing player complains. As Arbiter what do you do?
A) Nothing, you shouldn’t interfere … let the players decide.
B) Tell the player he must promote to a queen
C) Allow the pawn to become a rook
D) Allow the promotion to a rook but give the opponent an extra 2 minutes for being distracted
E) Only if the pawn had made it to the 8th rank (and the player is still holding the queen) before the player changed his mind should you insist he promotes to a queen
Answer: C
Fide Rule 4.4.4 – ‘If a player having the move promotes a pawn, the choice of the piece is finalised when the piece has touched the square of promotion.’
The queen therefore does not enter the field of play or ‘become live’ until it is placed on the queening square. It is unlikely there will have been any distraction for the need to award any extra time, besides all this should have happened in the first player’s time.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.9 – International Chess
Who has held the World Chess Title for the longest?
A) Anatoly Karpov
B) Garry Kasparov
C) Emmanuel Lasker
D) Alexander Alekhine
E) Magnus Carlsen
Answer: C
Emmanuel Lasker was the World Chess Champion from 1894 to 1921 helped by the First World War when the World Championship contest was placed on hold.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.8 – National Chess
Who has won the British Chess Championship most times?
A) Mickey Adams
B) Henry Ernest Atkins
C) Julian Hodgson
D) Jonathan Penrose
E) Nigel Short
Answer: D
Jonathan Penrose OBE has won the British Chess Championship on 10 occasions from 1958 to 1969. Henry Ernest Atkins won it 9 times and Mickey Adams 7 times.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.7 – Local Chess
Which player has won the Dorset Rapidplay Championship most times?
A) Ian Clark
B) Bruce Jenks
C) Graham White
D) Allan Pleasants
E) Mike Waddington
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.6 – Laws of Chess
Which of these statements are correct?
A) Only the same hand should be used when making a move and pressing the clock
B) It is permitted to use both hands when capturing
C) You can make your move with one hand and press the clock with the other
D) You must always move the piece you touch first under all circumstances
E) You can castle with both hands
Answer: A only
FIDE Rule 4.1 – ‘Each move must be played with one hand only’,
FIDE Rule 4.3 – ‘if the player having the move touches on the chessboard, with the intention of moving or capturing’.
FIDE Rule 6.2.3 – ‘A player must press his clock with the same hand with which he made his move.’
If you unintentionally touch one of your pieces or say j’adoube, then you can move another piece. This explains why option D is not a valid answer.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.5 – You are the Arbiter!
White checkmates his opponent then his flag falls before he presses his clock. As arbiter what do you do?
A) Declare a draw as the fair result, neither player has claimed
B) Award the game to White
C) Check if the clock is faulty first before making any decision
D) Award the game to Black for winning on time
E) Leave it with the players to agree on a result as the Arbiter should not intervene
Answer: B
FIDE Rule 5.1.1 – ‘The game is won by the player who has checkmated his opponent’s king. This immediately ends the game.’ Checkmate therefore takes priority over everything else.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.4 – International Chess
Who has been the highest ever (FIDE) rated international player?
A) Vishy Anand
B) Bobby Fischer
C) Vladimir Kramnik
D) Magnus Carlsen
E) Garry Kasparov
Answer: D
Magnus Carlsen achieved a FIDE rating of 2882 in May 2014, Kasparov achieved 2851 in July 1999.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.3 – National Chess
Who has been the highest ever (FIDE) rated English player?
A) David Howell
B) Nigel Short
C) Tony Miles
D) Luke McShane
E) Mickey Adams
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.2 – Local Chess
Which local chess club has played at a venue famous for its ‘Hanging Judge’?
A) Dorchester
B) Weymouth
C) Wimborne
D) Parkstone
E) Ringwood
Answer: A
Dorchester played at the Oak room in the Antelope Hotel in Dorchester from 1983 to 1987. Back in 1685, Judge Jeffreys used this room to order the execution of 74 of the accused.
Test Your Chess Knowledge No.1 – Laws of Chess
Castling cannot be played under which of these circumstances?
A) The king has moved
B) The rook is under attack
C) The king is in check
D) The b1 square is attacked and White wants castle queenside
E) The king will cross a square which is under attack
Answer: A, C, E
This is covered within FIDE Rules & The king cannot castle if it has moved, is in check, moves through check or ends up in check.