Dorset Closed – Games From Major and Minor Winners

Femi Oloyede was the only outright winner of a section of the Dorset Closed, taking the Major with 3.5/4 points.  Below is Femi’s win against Tim Jones, where he plays a ferocious attack against Tim’s king.

The Minor was won jointly by Dan Ursell, Finn Schell and Florence Spirling with 3/4 points.

Below is a game from each of them, starting with Florence’s win against Dan, where she wins a pawn in the early middlegame which she converts to a win in the endgame – not the first time we have seen good endgame technique from Florence!

Next we have Finn’s win against David Lane.  After an unusual opening Finn emerged with a large middlegame advantage. David fought back to reach a level endgame but, pressing too hard, he dropped a critical pawn allowing Finn to take the full point.

And last but by no means least we have Dan’s win against Mike Davidson in which Dan navigated the middlegame well and once he was an exchange up found the most incisive way to close out the game.

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