53rd Dorset Open 2018




Friday 12th to Sunday 14th October 2018

To be held at:-




01202 293071

There will be 4 sections: 


MAJOR under 160

INTERMEDIATE under 135          

MINOR under 115

The Congress will be limited to 100 players

Bookstall and all chess equipment provided by Chess & Bridge



    1. In any dispute the controller’s decision is final. The right is reserved to assign players to specific tournaments.
    2. Prizes shown are dependent on entries and may be adjusted accordingly. No more than one prize per player.
    3. First prize in the Major, Intermediate and Minor is only open to players with a published grade and ungraded players will not be eligible to win grading prizes.
    4. A ½ point bye may be claimed for any one round except the final round and must be requested with entry.
    5. Juniors must be under 18 on 1st September 2018.
    6. Late arrivals will lose by default after 30 minutes. Re-pairing will be at the controller’s discretion.
    7. Prize money will be forwarded within 14 days.
    8. All tournaments are subject to ECF rules and all results will be forwarded for grading.
    9. All personal entry information is required for either player identification or communication purposes and, along with any financial data, will be either safely removed if no longer required, or securely retained for the purposes of this and future Dorset County Chess Association (DCCA) congresses only. Congress information, news, results and photographs may also be published on the Dorset Chess website. With the exception of the English Chess Federation (ECF), where memberships details may need to be checked and results supplied for grading purposes, no personal information will be exchanged with or passed to third parties for any other reason.


      Prizes                   £300   £160   £100   grading £50
      Entry fee             £33 for silver ECF members or above
      MAJOR                                 under 160
      INTERMEDIATE             under 135
      MINOR                                 under 115 (pl see note above and on website – this section is now full)
      Prizes                    £160     £120   £80   grading £50
      Entry fee              £30 for silver ECF members or above
      Junior silver members or above £24 all sections

Bronze ECF members and non ECF members £7.50 extraLate entries (received after 28.09.18) £5 extra.


Friday       round 1 19:00 – 23:00
Saturday  round 2 10:00 – 14:00    round 3   15:00 – 19:00
Sunday     round 4 10:00 – 14:00    round 5   15:00 – 19:00
All tournaments are 5 round Swiss with about 4 hour playing sessions. Each round is 90 minutes play for all moves with 30 second increments for each move

The Elstead Hotel is near the town centre and the train station and has 50 bedrooms with WIFI access. There is free parking for hotel residents

2 Nights – Double/Twin rooms, Bed & Breakfast @ £45.00 pppn

2 Nights – Single in Double/Twin Room, Bed & Breakfast @ £70.00 per person per night.

To book rooms please contact The Elstead Hotel on 01202 293071

Further information about Bournemouth is available from Bournemouth tourism at:   www.bournemouth.co.uk

Send entries to:

Ian Clark, 5, Wynford Road, Bournemouth BH9 3ND

Tel: 01202 536370 Email: [email protected]

5 Oct  Please note, as the Congress is now full, both hard copy entry form and blue on-line entry form have been removed from the website.  So, please do not use the form below, which is retained for information only. Many thanks.


Name:     …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address:   …………………………………………………………………………………………….



Post Code:                                                        Telephone: ……………………

Email:     ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………..

ECF Membership No:……………………………..    Grading Ref:…………………..

ECF Grade ………………….

Club:  …………………………………………………….. Bye in round …………………

Circle section entered:        OPEN / MAJOR / INTER / MINOR (note 2 Oct Minor now full)

Entry Fee for silver members or above                         £

Add £7.50 bronze, non ECF members                          £

Plus donation, thank you                                               £

Plus late entry fee (£5 if received after 28.09.18)        £ ________                                                                                                

TOTAL                                                                                 £ ________