This competition is scheduled to run from the Spring 2023 to the Autumn 2023 and finish before our leagues start next season. This worked well for the start of this season when the 2022 Cup competition was completed with a semi-final in August and the final in September 2022. Indeed, it became a welcome curtain raiser!
Players fully concentrating at the Poole Position v Southbourne Seagulls v Poole Position 2nd round match which Southbourne Seagulls won on the handicap score in an exciting match.
2nd Round Results
All the away teams won by the required handicap score which made for exciting, close matches!
Ringwood B had a bye for the ‘best result’ in the 1st round.
Semi-Final Draw
Ratings in brackets are the average live ratings used by each team in the 1st or 2nd round and is given for guidance purposes only as this could change.
Poole The Other One (1831) v Yeovil (1754) … Match may be played at a neutral venue such as Dorchester due to the clubs being more than 35 miles apart.
Ringwood B (1466) v Southbourne Seagulls (1613)
Timescales and Practicalities
Matches should be arranged to be played in September and be completed by Friday, 15th September 2023 so plenty of time to arrange and play the matches.
The 1st named team has the choice of venue although the Purbeck v Yeovil match above may be played at a neutral venue.
The Rules, including the rating handicap system, can be found here and via the main menu under ‘B&DC League’.
A blank Match Scoresheet can be found here, which should be printed out and used in matches.
As stated in the rules, we will be using the latest live monthly ratings which will include games played up to the end of the previous month. So, as an example, if a cup match was played in September, it is the September 2023 rating that will count (and games played in September 2023 will not count).
In addition, please remember that live P (Partial) ratings do not count and you will need to agree an L (Local) rating with the League Controller.
Please ensure you have a calculator ready at your matches to calculate both teams’ average ratings and the difference in average ratings to work out the required score!
The team captains are as follows and most captains’ contact details are on LMS:
Poole The Other One – John Weatherlake
Ringwood – Martin Clancy
Southbourne Seagulls – Nikki Forster
Yeovil – Adam Batson
Good luck to all teams!
Martin Simons – June 2023